Logo is the most important part of any business. It establishes the brand of the company hence the logo of the company should wear the motto of the company and display the same with just the visual appeal. There are two types of logos on which we mainly work on 1) Text Based logos 2)image Based logos.
Text based logos are those which are mainly text based and takes the name of the company or the initials of your brand which helps people to relate to you brand easily. It mainly required fine attention to the text style, colour and artistic touch on how the text is being presented.
Image based logos are those which mainly comes into shape around an image which reflects your brand. The image is designed as such that the small glance of the same reminds the consumers about your brand.
Are you confused, which one will best suit for your company? Or Do you have a definite requirement to design a customized logo , please give us a call and one of our experts will be at your assistance right away.